It’s been a long time coming. Nearly two years after first launching the new brand and putting up a quick (designed to be temporary) one page portfolio site, today we launch our new portfolio site.
Redesigned and built from the ground up using bootstrap, it’s been a work in progress since January. It’s still a work-in-progress, and we do intend to keep evolving it over time. The concept was iterated upon over a long period of time by everyone on the team, and so we feel it evolved into something we’ll be proud to call ours for some time to come.
We’ve been doing a lot of responsive WordPress builds for clients of-late and so it made perfect sense to treat our own site as a bit of a playground, evolving our skill set on a project that can afford the learning curve.
This time it’s also CMSed with WordPress and is the most complicated responsive design we’ve done to date – what better opportunity to challenge ourselves. It’s so easy with responsive design to fall into the trap of making everything look similar, so we wanted to break the mould and see what is possible and prove that the look and behaviour of a bootstrap based site can be completely custom. We’ve all learned a lot during the process, making the time spent extremely valuable. Hat’s off the our development partners over at Code8 for helping us deliver this one and being patient as we slowly and repeatedly tweaked details to get things working as smoothly as possible.
Along side the site we’ve built some basic tools to allow us to share customised landing pages with clients, including private projects that we can’t flaunt publicly in the portfolio. All-in-all it’s a big upgrade from what we had, and we’re all very pleased with it. Any comments, typo’s, suggestion or bugs; please let us know.
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