Designed to make it easy to design, build and test your new app in the context of iOS 9.
We‘ve re-created the iOS 9 user interface entirely in vector form in Photoshop. It‘s organised with easy to understand labels, making it useful for designers to show off their new app icon, or their new app within iOS 9 user interface context.
License: These files have been produced with the intention of helping fellow designers. We therefore request you do not repost them as your own downloadable resources, do not host the files in any other location, or attempt to sell these assets for personal gain. Share the love and spread the word.
Within the download you will find the main Photoshop file: iPhone6_iOS9_mockup.psd, from there you can globally modify the App Icon and Lock Screen by editing the shared Photoshop files: Your_App_Icon.psd and Your_Lock_Screen.psd and see updates applied across all screens.
iOS 9 GUI PSD Apple iPhone 6s PSD was made using the 2015 version of Adobe Photoshop CC, if you have an older version some features of the file may not work as expected. The majority of iOS 9 UI elements have been remade from scratch using vector shapes for your personal usage. We‘ve labelled and structured the Photoshop file to easily find and access items.
Within the iOS 9 GUI PSD Apple iPhone 6s Photoshop file, we‘ve also included iOS 9‘s new features like the 3D touch; Quick Actions and Peek and Pop.
We try to keep our iOS 9 GUI PSD Apple iPhone 6s vector mockup PSD as up to date as possible. We’ll always endeavour to update them quickly if changes affect the assets you need. Sketch GUI PSDs coming soon…
If you’ve enjoyed this, please don’t forget to share with fellow designers!
We love to make and share. There‘s always been great resources available online, here‘s our opportunity for us to share with you and to give back to the community.
Last updated: 30 September 2015