License: These files have been produced with the intention of helping fellow designers. We therefore request you do not repost them as your own downloadable resources, do not host the files in any other location, or attempt to sell these assets for personal gain. Share the love and spread the word.
We’ve created this iOS 10 App Icon template so all you need to do is add your 1024×1024 artwork in one place, and it will create all the required sizes for you.
Photoshop: Within the download you will find the main Photoshop file: iOS10_app_icon_template.psd, from there you can globally modify the App Icon by editing the shared Photoshop file: Your_App_Icon.psd and see updates applied across all screens.
Before exporting, please make sure the appropriately labelled parent folders are set to invisible to remove backgrounds and the icon corner radius from the icons.
Slices are already setup to 1-click export your files, ready for upload.
Before exporting, please make sure the appropriately labelled parent folders are set to invisible to remove backgrounds and the icon corner radius from the icons.
Sketch: The sketch file will contain iOS10_app_icon_template.sketch. You can globally modify the app icon by editing the Your App Icon artboard within the Symbols page. To export, select all needed icons from the Icons page and go to the bottom right corner of the application, and Export. (see How to Export page within the file for more details).
iOS 10/11 App Icon Template was made using the 2016 version of Adobe Photoshop CC and Sketch. If you have an older version some features of the file may not work as expected. We‘ve labelled and structured the files to easily find and access items.
We try to keep our iOS 10/11 App Icon template as up to date as possible. We’ll always endeavour to update them quickly if changes affect the assets you need.
If you’ve enjoyed this, please don’t forget to share with fellow designers!
We love to make and share. There‘s always been great resources available online, here‘s our opportunity for us to share with you and to give back to the community.
Last updated: 19 October 2016