License: These files have been produced with the intention of helping fellow designers. We therefore request you do not repost them as your own downloadable resources, do not host the files in any other location, or attempt to sell these assets for personal gain. Share the love and spread the word.
The Instagram profile UI is responsive.
Instagram profile images need to be a minimum of 180 x 180 px in order to be accepted, and are strangely displayed at a marginally smaller 160 x 160 px in the profile view, but it’s preferable to use a higher resolution image to ensure the resizing done by Instagram doesn’t create too many artefacts, and looks better when this image is viewed as a full-photo when clicked on. For this reasons we have opted for a 1024 x 1024 px Instagram profile image which should look nice at all sizes and higher PPI devices. The files have been well organised and labelled to help you modify with ease. These files have been made using the most recent versions of Adobe Photoshop CC and Sketch. If you have an older version some features of the file may not work as expected. The UI has been remade from scratch using vectors, allowing the entire file to be scaled to any resolution. Wherever possible we have used shared .psb assets or Sketch Symbols that can be replaced in one location and propagate everywhere across the separate files for each size; change once, applied everywhere.
We try to keep these files as up to date as possible. We’ll always endeavour to update them quickly if changes affect the assets you need to create in order populate a profile.
This is what these files are for – testing your designs and ensuring they work across all sizes. We hope you find this resource useful, please share this with your friends/community and check out our other resources.
We love to make and share. There‘s always been great resources available online, here‘s our opportunity for us to share with you and to give back to the community.
Last updated: 30 September 2015