We’re super excited to announce we recently passed the 1,000,000 download mark on our design resources.
We made our first twitter resource back in 2013 as an internal tool to mock-up social profiles for clients. Photoshop had only recently added new vector tools and high density screens were starting to become a thing, so we wanted a way to train ourselves to better use these new features and create assets that could be scaled to 2x or beyond without loss of quality. The social template seemed like an obvious place to start – we rebuilt the entire twitter UI in vector from inside Photoshop and made the process of exporting the required images easy to manage.
We found this so useful that we posted it to our blog in February 2014. We began to see that others found this template and were downloading it, a lot. We eventually decided to expand the offering to encompass more social profiles and gave them a dedicated area of our website to allow them to be more easily discovered and downloaded.
Today we have resources for all the major social networks, in desktop and mobile varieties, as well as an iOS GUI kit and app icon template. We also moved the studio over to using Sketch full-time for all new design projects. We used the production of the resources into Sketch as a training exercise to get the team better acquainted with the tool and methods for using symbols to better automate the exchange of design assets. The production of the new sketch files helped give us a decent boost in downloads that pushed us over the magic 1 million download mark.
We have been keeping the templates up to date as the various networks evolved their UIs, which in itself is interesting to see and keep detail design files of the evolution. Twitter has had the most updates by far.
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These are not a source of revenue for the business, but as long as people continue to find them useful we shall endeavour to keep them updated and expand the range of resources available based on what our visitors let us know they need.
Contact us to let us know what resources you’d like to see added.